free sculpting tips

I happened across quite a gem today looking for some more free sculpting tutorials for you guys! Today’s comes from the lovely Apryl Jensen. It’s a pretty extensive ebook that you can download for free! A link gets emailed to you super quickly. It shows a...

sculpting videos

First off, let me start with- I’m sorry I’m a bad blogger. Bad Bad blogger. 🙂 Life has it’s way of moving too fast, especially those of us with children. One blink they are small and barely move and next minute you wonder where the years went!! I...


I found an adorable quickie tutorial today for a OOAK (One of a kind) baby face courtesy of the talented Toodlesocks. Isn’t she adorable? I think it’s so interesting looking at the variety of ways people sculpt. While you are there look for her antique...

hi. I’m still alive!

Hello there. Yes, I am still alive. We have just been moving and everything is at a standstill until all of my crafting items were ready to use. 🙂 I will have a baby completed soon as well as a few customs! For those of you looking to learn how to sculpt this is...

what a tool.. ;)

Hello! Sorry for the lack of postings, we have been on the move!! Lately I have had a couple of requests on how to use my sculpting tools that I have up in my etsy store. Every artist uses their tools differently, and every one has his or her favorites. This set is my...

sculpting a baby

Stephanie Sullivan’s sculpting tutorial is finally back online!! Super excited about that. Her free! Baby doll sculpting tutorial is one of the most comprehensive tutes that I have found so far!! Learn to sculpt Michael: Isn’t he adorable? Her tute also...