by Jennie Lee | Apr 6, 2012 | Links, Painting
I have had a ton of questions on this topic. How do you paint a realistic skin tone? Well, it takes a bit of work. I paint at least four to five layers- a smaller version of reborning. If you are a newbie- reborning is when you take a blank vinyl doll and paint tons...
by Jennie Lee | Mar 23, 2012 | Links, Sculpting, Sculpting Tips
Sorry for the lack of posting guys- I have been undergoing alot of physical therapy and it has been pretty crappy. 😉 But anyhow, we must get better- no pain no gain!! Poor little Katelyn’s mom last minute decided she couldn’t afford her so I posted her up...
by Jennie Lee | Feb 11, 2012 | Links, Sculpting
I have a baby finished!!! Doing the happy dance!! Now waiting for husbear to take some photos of her. She is pretty cute if I do say so myself!! On other news, I just got an email letting me know that I missed out on giving out a link for a free cute monkey sculpting...
by Jennie Lee | Feb 3, 2012 | Links, Sculpting Tips
Man do I have a treat for you. I just found the gem of a photo tutorial on facebook of the lovely Ros of Sherwood Lane of her sculpting a miniature baby face. For those of you who do not know who she is, she doesn’t sculpt as much as she used to, but boy is she...
by Jennie Lee | Jan 25, 2012 | Links, Sculpting Tips
Ever since starting my journey into sculpting I have been looking into all of the different ways of making eyes. I personally love the look of glass. They look super realistic, and are hard to beat in comparison with other methods- like painting for example (my...
by Jennie Lee | Jan 18, 2012 | Links, Sculpting, Sculpting Tips
If you have never visited madsculptor’s blog- you definitely need to! He sculpts amazing lifelike sculpts and is generous in teaching is little tricks! Recently he has been sculpting characters from fairy tales; alice in wonderland, red riding hood and many...