Jennie's Blog Posts

joys of moldmaking

Guess what?  I have a new silicone (cloth bodied) baby in the works. This is the fourth time molding this little one but I refuse to give her up. Here’s to hoping fourth times the charm!! 🙂

Molding equals poor clay baby sculpt gets demolished every time. It’s not for the faint of heart for sure. Hopefully it works out this time!

squishy babies

I have had a lot of people ask me how a silicone baby is different than a clay one.  Besides the fact that it’s less fragile to breaking when dropped.  They are soft and feel very real in your hands.  You still do have to be careful and treat it like a little one. No pulling of limbs, and support the little head. 🙂

“Mia” Twins

I made a little video to try to show her movement of my little silicone edition “Mia”.

Click HERE to see the video! 🙂

painting a silicone

MY first try painting one of my new silicone babies- she’s 10 inch mini and she looks adorable methinks.

I will be selling these babes as both as unpainted silicone kits and finished babies. 🙂

If you are interested, Please contact me about buying one.

Here she is at night time. Well take better photos tomorrow! 🙂


making of a silicone doll

As I have ventured into this endless learning process into making silicone dolls I have found so many people are unwilling to share into their process in how they learned how to cast their dolls into silicone.

Along the way I have found an amazing select few that are open to their process and Lydia Yee is one of them.

Her blog “Silicone Baby Connection” has taught me quite a bit.

If you are interested in learning the process visit her blog!! 🙂

As for me, I’m learning something new everyday! Here’s the little one I just finished casting:

silicone little one

Unfortunately some things have to be changed and I modified her sculpt and remolded. Wish me luck in casting! 🙂