Jennie's Blog Posts


When I first got injured, I was on the internet a lot because there is not much else you can do from bed. 😉

It was on flickr when I first discovered OOAK (one of a kind) polymer clay babies. At the time I was collecting ball jointed dolls, and saw a lovely teeny tiny clay baby fairy on one of my flickr groups.

It was the lovely Lisa Halderman of
She makes adorable tiny sculpts, a lot of them for memorials of little babies who have become angels.

little opened eyed boy

Sweetie in pjs

I was lucky enough to do a trade with her last year, and she sent me these gorgeous babies; a jointed fairy and a tiny sleeping baby fairy.

this one I adopted- a jointed baby fairy.

my little girls. Arent they sweet?

I started my sculpting journey shortly after receiving these two little ones. It has kept me sane in a very difficult time of my life! The fact that a tiny little doll can mean so much, not just to the average run of the mill collector – but to a greiving family who has lost a baby; that inspires me to no end.

I hope you all draw some inspiration from these babies..

back at last.

I have been recovering as of late from several surgeries- so I have been absent in the baby doll making world, and I am SO very eager to return!

I really have missed making the baby dolls, and missed visiting all of the blogs and doll making sites!!

New find  to share with my friends:

TinyCraft’s OOAK Baby Links– a ton of links on making OOAK dolls- some are outdated, but still a lot of good information, on miniatures as well!!


-making a poseable armature for your ooak

-making a ball jointed doll (could be used with polymer clay)

-miniature eye tutorials

-hands and feet tutorials

-fairy tutorials

-creating all types of fairy wings

-monkey hands and feet

-make your own sculpting tools

-painting tutorials

… and tons more…


reborning beautifully..

I may be late in the game, but I just found some incredible FREE tutorials on painting a reborn.   She is dishing out all of her reborning tricks for free!! Look at the baby she created while making this tutorial!!

Look at all of those beautiful capillaries and the gorgeous mottiling!!  She looks so real. 

This wonderful tutorial includes instructions on how to paint baby hair, is it not amazing?? 

Look how realistic these nails are? 

You can find out how she paints the entire baby, including her secrets for mixing the paints to achieve this realistic baby! 

While you are there, check out her Reborn Supplier  List, her reference photos for both aa and caucasian babies,!

You can find the tutorial here.

Click on the photo you want to learn about- and click each subsequent photo so that you can read the text she has entered for you to read.  It’s not as complicated as it sounds. 🙂

I am definitely going to use her tricks on applying capillaries, perhaps use a pinky newborn color wash on my next baby, and definitely adding a “real skin” texture effect.



Unfortunately for me this year I was unable to enter my baby dolls into the annual Colliii awards like I had wanted. This is both good and bad news I guess, as it gives me more time to improve my techniques for next year!

Good news is I have a couple of babies finished already that I had meant to enter into the Colliii awards, and a couple unfinished ones that are just missing their little limbs. They will be looking for their mommies shortly!

Stay tuned soon for photos as well as my first poseable full sculpt baby! She is super cute!!