Jennie's Blog Posts
more sculpting tutorials!!
As I promised yesterday, I have a few more free tutorials I found via Sculpt University.
Basic Baby Face Photo Guide *Freebie*
Fairy Face Tips *Freebie*
Bear Babies *Freebie*
Mermaid Tails *Freebie*
Great Hair Secrets *Freebie*
Basic Supplies *Freebie*
Raven Men – the Assembly of an Art Doll
Creating a Sturdy Armature *Freebie*
The Sculpting Workflow *Freebie*
Mixing Clay *Freebie*
Human Proportion Calculator
By far the best gem that I found was her link to the Human Proportion Calculator!! You can enter the size of the person that you are sculpting and they automatically calculate for you what size each measurement is by centimeters!! Ack! It makes sculpting so much easier!!
These are just a few of them!! She has 6 total pages of freebies that you can look at on her site for free. If you do subscribe to “Sculpt University” it costs $59.99 a month for your first month and $29.99 a month thereafter for unlimited use of her tutorial videos and site. From her free material that she is just giving away it looks to me as if it’s worth it if you want to learn about sculpting the items listed on her site. 🙂 I may try it for a month and share with you all if it’s worth signing up!
For now, visit Sculpt University and look under her freebies link up top to see what else you can learn!!
Knowledge is power my friends! Study what you can especially if it’s available for free!
free sculpting tips
I happened across quite a gem today looking for some more free sculpting tutorials for you guys! Today’s comes from the lovely Apryl Jensen.
It’s a pretty extensive ebook that you can download for free! A link gets emailed to you super quickly. It shows a ton of tips on how she sculpts, tools she uses, clay, and a basic rundown on how she makes her sculpts. Do keep in mind she is also including links on paid tutorials as well that you can buy- but you don’t have to unless you want to.
She also offers a free tute for these pretty fairy wings:
Anyhow, I just love insight on how other artists work so this is
For the free wings tutorial visit:
To download the PDF, just visit
She has quite a few more tutorials, but I’ll have to share another day. 🙂
sculpting videos
First off, let me start with- I’m sorry I’m a bad blogger. Bad Bad blogger. 🙂
Life has it’s way of moving too fast, especially those of us with children. One blink they are small and barely move and next minute you wonder where the years went!!
I have been working on a special project for way too long, and I thought that I would share some with you guys today.
I have been working on a sculpting video. There have been a couple of videos out there- one of which I do sell- however I feel like there is a ton of information out there that’s still missing in a video.
I have mentioned in the past about how important proportion is when it comes to sculpting a realistic sculpt and proportions are learned/memorized and then used when sculpting so that your sculpt looks like a real baby and not a alien!
For those of you who have tried sculpting I am sure you know what I mean. Some baby sculpts look like old men or aliens just with a portion of the sculpt’s proportions off. I think this applies to all sculpting- adults and babies alike. Our human eye tells us when a sculpt doesn’t look right in relation to the real thing.
Anyhow, I thought I would do a video on the correct proportions for a newborn and then older babies, as well as how to sculpt your own. I would love to hear your thoughts about it!!
For now, I will leave you with some links of some free sculpting videos currently available on youtube. 🙂 Have fun!!
I found an adorable quickie tutorial today for a OOAK (One of a kind) baby face courtesy of the talented Toodlesocks.
Isn’t she adorable? I think it’s so interesting looking at the variety of ways people sculpt.
While you are there look for her antique clay bunny tutorial as well!
here are the links for both:
baby tute:
bunny tute:
thinking tink
I had a friend’s daughter over our house the other day and her daughter really loves tinkerbell which reminded me of how much I used to love fairies when I was little.
I have been seeing many more fairy babies for sale recently and fetching a pretty penny I might add!! Thought that you all could make some pretty fairy sculpts for me to admire. 🙂 I’m thinking of sculpting a fairy baby with dragonfly wings courtesy of the most lovely Katherine Dewey of . She is a polymer clay expert, with a ton of information to share. She also published two books on sculpting- and although not babies, her books are worth purchasing just for the skills learned you can apply to your new sculpting practice!
She was nice enough to take time and make these gorgeous wing templates for us.
Such as these:

So pretty no? I love them!!