Jennie's Blog Posts


I have had quite a few people asking me about my sculpt William’s eyes.

The eyes I used were Kemper glass doll eyes. I use them since I first started sculpting and they work for me, so I haven’t tried another ones. 🙂

A couple days ago one of my fave sculptors Apryl Jensen made another free tutorial on her other site, making fairies on eye placement and I found it super helpful especially for placing eyes and eyelids when setting the eyes for a realistic sculpt.Eye tute

You can find the free PDF tutorial here!

Make sure to take a gander around her site! She has a ton of free tutorials and adds more weekly!!

baby sculpt WIP

Believe it or not I have another little one sculpting in progress!! 🙂

A little cranky newborn baby sculpt. My sculpt number 6.

I’m so proud! I really think my sculpting has improved tenfold since when I was sculpting last year. What’s my secret? There isn’t really a secret. It really is trial and error. You keep practicing, and then you just “get it”. It’s hard work- takes me hours to do one head when I know others could have just made a bunch of them. I really hope it shows in the work though. I am trying to perfect my sculpting, and I know that will take time. It can get frustrating. I don’t know how many times I squished heads because it wasn’t working out. That sounds funny. hah.

Anyhow, may I present to you my sculpt numero 6. Looks to me like a chunky little girl. YAY! You don’t know how hard it is for a mother of two boys to try to sculpt a girl!!


I’m so proud of her ears!!

cranky girl

She’s unsanded and unpainted right from my oven but I couldn’t wait to share. 🙂

baby bottoms

I have been sculpting a teeny mini full sculpt and I was looking up bodies on google when I found this gem. I couldn’t find the artist who posted it unfortunately.

I found it helpful, so I thought I would share! 🙂

baby bottom tute

Apryl Jensen also has a great tutorial on her site sculptuniversity of a baby sleeping on her belly too.

Happy sculpting!!

little boy by the bay

ebay that is! 🙂 hardy har har!

after WAY too much time spent on his auction listing, I finally have it finished.

thanks to some suggestions on facebook, I present to you little “William” 🙂


Here is his listing!

UPDATE: Little William is heading home to his mommy in France! 🙂

baby finished!!

Is it just me or is finishing a baby sculpt similar to giving birth? Okay, maybe not pain-wise. Definitely a sense of accomplishment. I hope people like him as much as I do. 🙂

Here’s some of his photos, I still have to work on his auction listing. 🙂




He is still unnamed at the moment. Any suggestions for a name? 🙂